
Legal Notices


Company, organization: AUBERGE DU JEU DE PAUME

Registered Offices:
Auberge du Jeu de Paume
4, rue du Connétable
60500 Chantilly - FRANCE
Tel: +33 3 44 65 50 00
Fax: +33 3 44 65 50 01
RCS (Companies register): 442 888 202 RCS Compiegne
EU VAT number: FR37 442 888 202

Purpose of site: Promotion of the establishment

Director of publication, legal representative:

Webmaster, design, editing, artistic direction: SAS WIHP
Photography:Auberge du Jeu de Paume,Christophe Bielsa, Ilyafoodstories, Alexandra Vonk
Web hosting: SAS WIHP
President SAS WIHP: Vincent Ramelli

The site presents:

● Informative content
● A collection of personal data online

French Data Protection Act:

The site is the subject of a declaration to the Commission Nationale Informatique and Liberté (French Data Protection Authority). You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete information that concerns you (art. 34 of the Loi Informatique et Libertés (French Data Protection Act)). To exercise this right, please contact:


The site and the information that it contains are protected by French intellectual property law and by international agreements. Except for use by immediate family members or private use, the site and any element of its content may not be reproduced, republished, retranscribed, modified or passed on without the prior authorization of the eligible party.

Ombudsman - Dispute Resolution

In accordance with Article L. 156-1 of the Consumer Code, the Jeu de Paume Hostel offers its customers a consumer mediation system by adhering to the sectoral mediation system, MTV - MEDIATION TOURISM AND TRAVEL.

After having entered the customer service of the hotel and in the absence of a satisfactory answer within 60 working days, the customer can contact the Mediator of Tourism and Travel, whose details and methods of referral are available on his website:

Professional Equality Index

Results Gender Equality Index Year 2023 :
1- Pay gap indicator: 39 (maximum 40)
2- Indicator relating to the gap in the rate of individual pay rises: 35 (maximum 35)
3- Indicator relating to the % of female employees having received a pay rise in the year following their return from maternity leave: 15 (maximum 15)
4- Indicator relating to the number of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 employees with the highest salaries: 10 (maximum 10)
Overall score of 99/100 for the Auberge du Jeu de Paume